“Last night’s coverage of the estate dispute in Sydney between an elderly lady's extended family and the kind neigbour highlights the need for people to take the preparation of their Will and their estate planning seriously” said Legal Practice Director Mr Daniel Hutchinson.
“I am seeing an increase in the number of people who are taking their estate planning seriously and making arrangements now to ensure that their wishes are carried out after they pass away”. “I am also seeing a marked increase in the number of estate disputes and applications to the court for clarification about the terms of 'do it yourself' will kits”.
“It's not much good having a Will that only the will maker understands” said Mr Hutchinson “A properly drafted Will is a very important first step, however, it is not the only step that should be taken in relation to estate planning. Estate planning has become more than a 'just a simple will' in many cases”.
“Spending some time and effort attending to your estate planning now may save your estate tens of thousands of dollars and you intended beneficiaries significant heartache later on”. “I encourage people to see a lawyer with expertise in estate planning rather than a generalist who will take whatever comes in the door.”
The Queensland Law Society will recommend a lawyer with appropriate expertise in your local area and can be contacted by phoning 1300 367 757 or visiting www.qls.com.au
The story by channel 7's Today Tonight program can be seen by following the link below: