At Cooke & Hutchinson Lawyers we understand that, especially for young individuals and families, the idea of making Wills and thinking that far ahead seems like a hassle and a little unnecessary. In fact, the opposite is true; making a Will and planning ahead will secure your family’s future and eliminate the need for costly litigation in the event of an unforeseen occurrence.
Our team will take you through the planning process step by step to ensure you can live your life to the fullest, safe in the knowledge that you have done everything that can be done for you and your family’s protection. You can start preparing your Will by visiting our offices in Redcliffe or North Lakes for more information.
Some of the factors we will take into account when preparing your Will include:
• Asset protection structures for the inheritance that is paid to your beneficiaries;
• Protection for spendthrift, drug dependent and vulnerable beneficiaries;
• Protection for beneficiaries with a disability;
• Minimising the risk of your Will being challenged; and
• Integration with business succession plans.
If you would like more information about Wills please read our Will Factsheet.